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Sainik school
Sainik school
Sainik school Rewa
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  Fees Structure


School Fees :

During present academic year i.e. 2020-2021 total fee on new admission is Rs. 1,05,698/- (Gen/Def) and Rs. 1,04,198/- (SC/ST) per annum is payable in advance or two half yearly instalments in June and October . Parents will be required to pay the revised fees and clothing charges as and when the rates are increased by the Sainik Schools Society, New Delhi/Principal during the subsequent years, till the cadet completes his education in this School. Parents/Guardians, who do not deposit fees within one week from the due date, are liable to face expulsion of their son/ward from the School. New entrants have to pay School fees in one instalment at the time of admission only. The fee structure is revised every year by the order issued by Sainik School society.

Clothing and Diet Charges : 

Clothing charges of 1500/- are collected from students at the time of admission. Private clothing and other necessary items are brought by the students at the time of their joining the School. Clothing fee can also be revised by Sainik Schools Society at any time based on market variation. An amount of Rs. 15,338/- is charged as diet charges for 295 days in a year from each student included in the School fee.

Caution Money (Security Money) :

Caution Money of Rs. 3,000/- for (General &Defence) or Rs. 1,500/- (SC & ST) is collected from each student. This is a deposit refundable at the time the student leaves the School after deducting outstanding dues, if any. Pocket Money. Parents/Guardians are required to deposit incidental charges at the beginning of each year , an amount of Rs. 6000/- to meet the following expenditure of the cadet :-

(a) Educational Trip/ Hikes & Excursions, Text books and stationary etc.
(b) Hair Cutting / Cloth Washing Charges.
(c) Breakages and losses due to wilful negligence on the part of the boy.
(d) Any other charges of private nature to overcome inconvenience to the boy.
(e) Expenditure as directed by the Principal.
(f) Fine as approved by the Principal.
(g) Extra issue of clothing items (h) Medicinal expenses

Scholarship :

Source of Scholarship Income Slab of Parents (Monthly Income) Rate of Scholarship Clothing
MP Govt(Gen) Up to 8000/- 100 % of Tuition Fee 750/1500
8001/- To 10000/- 75 % of Tuition Fee 750/1500
10001/- To 12000/- 50% of Tuition Fee 750/1500
12001/- To 15000/- 25 % of Tuition Fee 750/1500
15000/- above No Scholarship Nil
MP Govt(SC/ST) Irrespective of Income Full ScholarshipIncluding all expenses
Bihar Govt(Gen) Up to 8000/- Rs. 8500/- 800/400
8001 To 10000/- Rs. 6500/- 800/400
10001 To 12000/- Rs. 5500/- Nil
Above 12000/- No Scholarship Nil
Bihar GovtSC/ST) Up to 8500/- Rs. 8500/- 800/400
8501 To 10500/- Rs.6500/- 800/400
10501 To 12000/- Rs.5500/- Nil
Above 12000/- No Scholarship Nil
MOD(Defence) JCO Rs.16000/- Nil
NCO Rs.32000/- Nil
Central Assistance Scholarship Holders of MP Gen Rs. 2000/- for 100% ScholarshipRs. 1062/- for 75 % Scholarship
Rs. 125/- for 50 % Scholarship
Nil for 25 % Scholarship
MoD Subsidy All Cadets except SC/ST Cadets of MP Domicile Approx Rs.14000/- Nil

Fees Structure – Sainik School Rewa (MP):

Fee structure for the FY 2020-2021


Sl No




Tuition Fee



Diet Charge



Clothing Charge



Incidental Charge






Sl No




Tuition Fee



Diet Charge



Clothing Charge



Incidental Charge



Caution Money for Gen Cadets
Caution Money for SC/ST Cadets



Total for GEN Cadets



Total for SC/ST Cadets


Note :Due to Covid-19 only Tuition Fee is being collected for the session 2020-2021.


Last updated on : 24/03/2025
Designed and Maintained by: Vindhya Group of Technologies