
Accommodation :


All cadets are accommodated in Dormitories/Hostels under direct supervision of respective Housemasters who act as their guides and guardians. The Housemasters are assisted in their job by Matron/Hostel Superintendents and Ward boys who take care of the cadets’ personal need, hygiene and comforts. At present the School has 10 Houses including Juniors & Seniors accommodated in six buildings, namely Chambal, Narmada, Satpura and Vindhya named after important rivers and mountain ranges of Madhya Pradesh. A separate accommodation is being constructed for girls (2021).


Messing :


All cadets dine together in a common dining hall called Cadets’ Mess. The cooking arrangements are supervised by Mess Manager . A Mess Committee with representatives of the staff and cadets as members, meets regularly to improve the menu and the standard of the Mess. Both vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals are prepared and served according to the nutritional needs and requirments of the cadets.


Medical Attention :


The School has a part-time Medical Officer . He is assisted by a qualified Nursing Assistant. There is a fifteen-bedded Infirmary and a two-bedded Isolation Ward in school. In case of serious illness, boys are transferred to the Government Civil Hospital/ Medical College. Cases of serious illness are reported to the parents immediately who have the discretion to take their wards with them for medical treatment.


Canteen Facility :


The School has a well stocked CSD canteen wherein toiletries and other basic requirements of the cadets are stocked and sold to them.

Last updated on : 19/10/2024
Designed and Maintained by: Vindhya Group of Technologies.